There are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000—1031! —viruses on Earth, making them the most abundant life form in the planet. They infect all known cell types from all three Domains of life and deeply influence their life cycles, interactions, evolution, and health. Viral diversity is astounding. There are thousands of species in every milliliter of water and hundreds of thousands in a gram of soil. This diversity is also present in our bodies. In fact, most of the genetic differences between humans are the viruses living in their gut. Most of these viruses, however, are completely unknown to science. On average, 70% viral genes encode unknown functions, and this information represents the dark matter of the biological universe. For over two decade, SDSU researchers have led the way to characterize the global virosphere in a cross-disciplinary area of excellence at SDSU: The Viral Information Institute (VII; "vee").
Forest Rohwer and Lili Todd are collaborating to create a poster series that will provide clear and concise scientific explanations for exactly how masks, the virus, and the vaccine work.
Lili Todd is an illustrator and ceramic artist who lives in Sierra Madre, California. She is currently attending Artcenter College of Design in Pasadena for illustration design and minoring in Design Matters, a program that studies social innovation. Lili mostly sells her work through her Etsy called ‘Like Studio Shop’ and in galleries like Hey There Projects in Joshua Tree and Giant Robot Gallery in Los Angeles. The clients she has worked with include Blue Q and Converse. She aims to send positivity and joy through her colorful and playful style. You can see more of her work on her Instagram: @lilitoddart or on her website:
This poster is about why N95/KN95 masks are important in protecting you and others.
This poster is about how to properly reuse your N95/KN95 masks.
This poster shows what happens when you are injected with the vaccine and how it prepares your body to defend itself against the coronavirus.
This poster is about the science behind why N95/KN95 masks work.
This poster compares how the vaccines and how the virus work and how they effect your body.
This poster is about the science behind pandemic predictions.
Your generous contribution will help support the viral ecology and personalized medicine research efforts at San Diego State University.
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